
4 Persistent CX Fails and How to Fix Them

With customers now in the driving seat, and with the rich technology that is currently available, we ask: why are so many customer journeys still hobbling in the slow lane?

Using AI to Better Direct Customers

By asking open questions, a robot can identify the reason for the call and then either handle the call itself or transfer the call to a live agent. Excitement surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been building steadily for some years.

Is your Chat Messaging System Fit for Purpose?

In the days of push campaigns agents were trained and well briefed. Nowadays it seems little attempt is made to connect with corporate CRM systems to get a profile of who is messaging you.

Will Robots Take Over?

Can AI handle everything? Or, are there some instances where only a human will do?

Apps vs Chatbots

As apps become more sophisticated so do some of their negative points. Whereas Chatbots are becoming more important for contact centers.

The Rise Of The Machines

What is the future for contact center agents? Will they become redundant? Hardly! If anything, the contact center agent will have a more important role than ever before.