From time to time we are asked to outline the advanced functionality that Sytel produces for particular market segments such as Market Research.
Browse through the more technical aspects of our products, the advanced functions they are capable of and how Softdial Contact Center™ (SCC) integrates with popular Market Research applications below.
Introduction To Sytel
Hosted Market Research
Centralised Global Solution for Market Research (PDF)
Dialer Solutions for Market Research
Open robust APIs, industry standard high quality components, 3rd party CATI software integration experts.
Predictive Dialing
Intelligent IVR
Low-Cost Interviewer Station
Nebu CATI Integration
Nipo CATI Integration
Forsta CATI Integration
A software-only dialer fully integrated with Forsta CATI.
Unicom Intelligence (SSPS) Integration
See also …
Market Research
Best-of-breed predictive dialing with CATI integration
CATI Interviewers Working from Home
Working remotely has been a straightforward transition for Sytel’s market research customers
Case Studies & Blogs
More resources related to Market Research