At a Glance
Subscribe to receive the precise event data you need
Connect over TCP sockets or HTTPS
Subscribe to receive events for queue/ campaign, agent or media
Multiple subscriptions to feed multiple tools
Subscribe to data feeds for custom reporting
Sytel offers a range of reporting options that allow contact centres to extract key data to give them information about how their system is performing. Ready-made solutions such as Softdial Reporter™ 5 and Softdial Publisher™ database feeds cover most needs.
However, end users who need more specific and customised reporting can programmatically connect to the Sytel solution and ‘subscribe’ to notifications of status change events, which can be used to generate data.
Notifications of status change
Subscribers can receive notifications for:
- campaign
- agent
- queue
- telephony
Subscription examples
Some examples of how this process of subscription might be used are:
- An application might subscribe to track each status change on an agent’s application such as when a user switches focus from one session to another
- Subscribe to receive the content of each chat message for storage in an external database
- Receive campaign status changes and store the data in an application that can be used to show campaigns states to supervisors.
Subscription methods
SCC offers several methods for developers to subscribe and receive update messages:
- TCP Sockets connection – suitable for local network connections
- HTTP connection – there are several subtypes. These are ideal for connection over the internet from either a client application or a server application that stores status update data in a database.
See also ...
Softdial Reporter™ 5
Fully customisable performance reports across all channels, at a glance
Analytics and Data Feeds
Measure & evaluate the performance of agents, queues & campaigns
Softdial Publisher™
Comprehensive data output to build your own reports